Cathedral of the holy trinity quebec
The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (French: Sainte-Trinité) is the cathedral of the Anglican Diocese of Quebec and home to two parishes: the Parish of Quebec and . Pages similairesTraduire cette pageOffers two main Sunday services, one in French and the other in English, using contemporary language and style with a focus on choral music, and a friendly . Réserver vos billets pour Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Québec (ville) sur TripAdvisor : consultez 1avis, articles et photos de Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, .
La cathédrale Holy Trinity est la première cathédrale anglicane construite en dehors des îles britanniques. Nichée au cœur du Vieux-Québec, elle est l'église . Seat of the Anglican Church in the Québec Diocese, the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity was the first Anglican Cathedral to be constructed outside of the British Isles . Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - Cathédrale Holy Trinity, Québec.
Built from 18to 180 this elegantly handsome Anglican cathedral was the first ever built outside the British Isles. Une majestueuse cathédrale anglicane dans le Vieux-Québec. Adresse et coordonnées, Cathédrale Holy Trinity.
Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Quebec.
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